THE MAKING OF A NATION 99-150, VOA Special English

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view post Posted on 17/11/2009, 05:37


099 The North Loses the First Major Battle of the War
Newspapers urged ''On to Richmond!'' But the North found it needed a well-trained army after the Battle of Bull Run in Virginia.
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100 Lincoln Names a General to Defend Washing
The North needed to build an army quickly after losing the first major battle of the Civil War. The president came to regret his choice of 34-year-old General George McClellan.
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101 The Civil War at Sea
The battles are often forgotten, but the Union victory might not have been possible without its naval victories.
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102 South Defends Its Capital
President Abraham Lincoln wanted to capture Richmond, Virginia. Confederate President Jefferson Davis worried, knowing his army was smaller than the Union's.
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103 At Bull Run, a Terrible Defeat for the North
Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson won one of the South's greatest victories -- a victory that brought calls for change in the Union's military leadership.
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104 Lincoln Needs a Victory
The president was looking for a chance to make what would come to be called the Emancipation Proclamation. But he was losing political and popular support.
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105 Lincoln Declares Slaves Free in Rebel States
The president had tried to keep the issue of slavery out of the war. He feared it would weaken the northern war effort.
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106 The South Wins a Victory, but at a Great Cost
General Robert E. Lee defeated the Union army at Chancellorsville, Virginia. But his best commander, Stonewall Jackson, was killed.
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107 Lee and His Army Cross Into the North
Confederate General Robert E. Lee invaded the state of Pennsylvania. At the same time, there were signs in the North of angry opposition to the war.
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108 As the Civil War Grows, So Does Opposition
By 1863, two years into the fighting, many northerners did not support the war policies of President Abraham Lincoln.
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109 South Sees Protests in North as an Opening
Confederate General Robert E. Lee considered the anti-war protests a sign of weakness. Lee hoped for a final, decisive blow that would bring the war to an end.
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110 Lincoln at Gettysburg
President Abraham Lincoln feared that his speech at a battlefield cemetery in Pennsylvania in November 1863 was a failure.
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111 Victory at Vicksburg Splits the Confederacy
The move by General Ulysses Grant in 1863 meant the North now controlled the Mississippi River, dividing the South in two.
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112 The Battle of Cold Harbor
The final Union campaign of the Civil War began on May 3, 1864. General Ulysses Grant had kept the details as secret as possible.
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113 Sherman Burns Atlanta in March to the Sea
In late 1864, Union General William Sherman had two goals. One was to capture the city. The other was to destroy the Confederate army of General Joe Johnston.
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114 Lincoln Defeats McClellan in Election of 1864
Democrats nominated Union General George McClellan. He promised a fast, negotiated end to the war. But President Abraham Lincoln promised not to stop short of victory.
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115 Confederate Capital Falls
In April 1865 General Robert E. Lee agreed to discuss terms of a surrender, after Union forces captured Richmond, Virginia.
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116 Robert E. Lee's Surrender
''Boys, I have done the best I could for you. Go home now. And if you make as good citizens as you have soldiers, you will do well,'' the southern general told his men.
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117 President Lincoln Is Shot at Ford's Theatre
He was murdered less than a week after the North's victory in the Civil War.
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118 After Lincoln's Murder
Eight prisoners faced trial. The government tried to prove that President Abraham Lincoln's assassination was a Confederate plot.
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119 The Final Surrender
General Robert E. Lee accepted defeat in early April 1865. Other Confederate armies were too small and too weak to continue the fight.
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120 Andrew Johnson Faces a Fight Over Aiding South
The nation was at peace. But the new president's move to pardon Confederates made enemies of the radical Republicans who wanted to punish the South.
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121 Trial of Andrew Johnson
Congress acted in 1868 after the president dismissed the secretary of war. But the Senate found him not guilty by a single vote.
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122 Rebuilding the South
Radical Republicans sent their supporters from the North to organize southern blacks for their party. Southern whites had a name for them: ''carpetbaggers.''
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123 The Election of 1868
The Republicans chose a war hero as their candidate, Ulysses Grant. But as president he would prove much less successful in politics than in war.
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124 Grant's Political Battles
Ulysses Grant was a popular hero of the Civil War who won the presidency in 1868. But he was a much better general than a politician.
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125 Grant’s Second Term Worse Than First
The administration of Ulysses Grant was marked by accusations of corruption.
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126 Hayes Wins Hotly Disputed 1876 Election
Republican Rutherford Hayes went to bed believing he had lost.
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127 President Hayes Promises Only One Term in Office
Hayes agreed to end federal support of Republican governments in the South.
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128 Gold, Land Drive Settlers West
The discovery of gold in California helped to speed development of the western United States.
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129 Songs Cowboys Sang
Cowboys of the American West told of their hard, dangerous lives in song.
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130 Indian Wars
Native Americans Went to War to Protect Their Lands.
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131 Custer's Last Stand Against the Indians
During the eighteen hundreds, the federal government forced American Indians to live on lands called reservations. No longer could the Indians move freely over the Great Plains to hunt buffalo. White people were settling there. The situation resulted in violence.
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132 Settlers Rush to Claim Western Land
In the late eighteen hundreds, white Americans expanded their settlements in the western part of the country. They claimed land traditionally used by American Indians. The Indians were hunters, and they struggled to keep control of their hunting lands.
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133 Garfield’s Short Presidency Ends in Tragedy
In eighteen eighty, President Rutherford Hayes completed four successful years in the White House. He did not want to serve another term. Hayes was a Republican. His party had great hopes of electing another Republican in the election of eighteen eighty
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134 Chester Arthur's Term Marked by Disputes Within His Party
President James Garfield was shot and seriously wounded in the summer of eighteen eighty-one. He died of the infection two months after he was shot. Vice President Arthur took the oath of office a few hours after the president's death.
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135 Labor Unrest Marks Cleveland’s First Term
Grover Cleveland was elected president of the United States in eighteen eighty-four. He was the first Democratic Party candidate to win a presidential election in almost twenty-eight years.
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136 Immigrants From Europe Seek a Better Life in a New Land
American life was changing. And it was changing quickly. Before eighteen sixty, the United States had an agricultural economy. After eighteen sixty, the country began to change from an agricultural to an industrial economy.
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137 Cleveland Opposes Anti-Immigration Laws and High Tariffs
After eighteen eighty, the flood of immigration from northern and central Europe began to fall. Now, most immigrants were coming from eastern and southern Europe. From Russia, Poland, Romania, Italy, Greece.
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138 Benjamin Harrison Defeats Cleveland Over Tariffs in 1888
President Cleveland believed that high tariffs hurt more Americans than they protected. High tariffs, he said, led to high prices on all products. He also opposed high tariffs because they brought in more money than the government needed. The extra money was kept in the public treasury. And this, Cleveland believed, slowed the American economy.
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139 Harrison’s Presidency Marked by Anger Over Trusts
In eighteen seventy-nine, a new form of business organization was developed -- the trust. In a trust, stock owners of many competing companies give control of their stock to a committee, or group, of trustees.
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140 Cleveland Returns to Office Facing Farm, Labor Unrest
In the late eighteen eighties, a North Carolina farming publication described America's economy this way:
"There is something radically wrong in our industrial system. The railroads are making much money. Yet agriculture is failing. The banks are doing great business. Yet agriculture is failing. Towns and cities grow. Yet agriculture is failing. Wages were never so high. Yet agriculture is failing."
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141 Cleveland Backs Gold Standard to Cure Economic Downturn
Grover Cleveland did not want to be president again. But he was worried about the future of the United States. He did not think President Harrison could solve the serious economic problems the country faced.
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142 Labor Unrest Grows as Cleveland’s Measures Fail to Ease Recession
Grover Cleveland began his second presidency in eighteen ninety-three. His two terms were separated by the presidency of Benjamin Harrison. Cleveland took office again just as the United States was entering an economic depression. Businesses failed. Banks closed their doors. Workers lost their jobs. And farmers lost their farms.
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143 McKinley and the Gold Standard Win in 1896
In the eighteen nineties, the American people were deeply divided over the nation's money system. Should the United States support its currency with gold or with gold and silver? This question became the main issue in the presidential election of eighteen ninety-six.
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144 US Begins to Extend Its Influence Far Beyond Its Shores
During the second half of the nineteenth century, the United States was not concerned much with events in other countries. It was too busy dealing with events inside its own borders. At that time, the nation was recovering from the Civil War. It was expanding to the West. And it was developing industries. As production increased, the United States began trading more and more with other countries. At the same time, it needed a new foreign policy to defend its interests.
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145 A Dispute Over Cuba Leads to the Spanish-American War
An explosion on the battleship Maine and a rebellion in Cuba result in war with Spain.
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146 Treaty Brings Quick End to Spanish-American War
After sharp debate, the Senate voted in 1899 to take the Philippines from Spain.
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147 Philippines Occupation Makes US a Major Power in the Far East
As such, it began to develop new policies toward Asia, especially China, in the early 1900s.
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148 Teddy Roosevelt Leads Nation After McKinley Is Assassinated
The youngest U.S. president took office during a time of rapid technological and economic change.
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149 Teddy Roosevelt Wrestles Powerful Business Interests
Theodore Roosevelt became president of the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was a time of great technological progress in the United States. Yet many people felt that there was too little social progress. They demanded reforms in politics, industry and the use of natural resources. Theodore Roosevelt supported this call for reforms. His first target was big business.
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150 Panama Breaks With Colombia, Clearing Way for the Panama Canal
Theodore Roosevelt became president of the United States at the beginning of the nineteen hundreds. He firmly believed in expanding American power in the world. To do this, he wanted a strong navy. And he wanted a waterway that would let the navy sail quickly between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Roosevelt decided to build that waterway.
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Edited by Ruitor2 - 5/6/2011, 06:29
view post Posted on 4/3/2010, 20:07

Caro Daniele,
Hai un'idea di quante saranno le puntate ... perchè vorrei preparare un unico file word con tutte le preziosissime trascrizioni...
che ne dici?
view post Posted on 8/3/2010, 05:47

Ottima idea, dovrebbero essere 200 puntate.

Edited by Ruitor2 - 3/1/2011, 09:38
view post Posted on 30/5/2010, 06:17

Da non perdersi le pagine dedicata a Ulysses S. Grant presso il sito della PBS (la televisione pubblica americana):

Edited by Ruitor2 - 1/6/2010, 06:36
view post Posted on 2/6/2010, 05:39

A proposito dell'epopea del "West" americano si possono osservare i quadri di Frederic Sackrider Remington (October 4, 1861 - December 26, 1909) presso:


Edited by Ruitor2 - 8/6/2010, 06:36
view post Posted on 9/6/2010, 05:38

Ecco il link per la pagine dedicate da PBS alle "Guerre indiane":

Edited by Ruitor2 - 15/6/2010, 06:30
view post Posted on 20/6/2010, 05:44

Presso il sito VOA Learning English è sufficiente un doppio-click su qualunque parola presente nelle trascrizioni dei programmi radiofonici per trovare la definizione della stessa nel Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary.


Edited by Ruitor2 - 20/6/2010, 07:26
view post Posted on 5/6/2011, 05:31

Aggiornato fino alla puntata 150.
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