THE MAKING OF A NATION 1-98, VOA Special English

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view post Posted on 21/12/2008, 06:24


Il 19 ottobre 1959, Voice of America trasmetteva il primo programma in Special English. Fu un esperimento. L'obiettivo era quello di comunicare via radio in modo chiaro e semplice in inglese con persone la cui lingua madre non era l'inglese. I programmi in Special English divennero rapidamente e sono ancora fra i più popolari di VOA. Nel corso degli anni, il ruolo di questo tipo di programmi si è ampliato. Questo genere di trasmissioni aiutano le persone a imparare l'American English e informano su numerosi aspetti della vita negli Stati Uniti dall'arte, alla storia, all'agricoltura, alla letteratura, ad approfondimenti giornalistici su quando accade oggi in America, agli sviluppi nel campo della scienza, dell'economia e dell'educazione. Ogni Giovedi, VOA Special English, trasmette un programma di quindici minuti sulla storia americana “The Making of a Nation”. Venne trasmesso per la prima volta nel 1969 e da allora è sempre stato rinnovato con centinaia di puntate che arrivano fino a quanto è successo ieri.

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History Repeats Itself:001 A Fresh Start to 'The Making of a Nation'
We begin our popular American history series from the beginning again.
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002 Columbus Sails, Others Follow, and Spain Is on Top of the World
By the 15th century, European countries were ready to explore new parts of the world. Technological improvements helped them succeed.
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003 A Difficult Life for English Settlers
Survival required help from American Indians. Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement in the New World, and tobacco became a profitable crop.
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004 Buffalo, 'Mystery Dogs' (Horses) and the Lives of the Plains Indians
Native people believed that the bison offered everything they needed. Nothing went to waste. But hunting them was difficult -- until the Spanish brought horses to North America in the 1500s.
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005 A Clash of Cultures in the New World
Differences over land ownership and religion led to mistrust between European settlers and Indian tribes. The arrival of diseases from Europe further damaged relations.
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006 How a Desire for Religious Freedom or Land, or Both, Led to Colonies
Puritans from England settled Massachusetts. The Dutch settled the area now called New York State. And Quakers, unwelcome in England, settled Pennsylvania.
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007 Slavery Arrives as Colonial Expansion Heads South
In 1619, a Dutch ship brought a group of Africans to the British colony at Jamestown. African traders had kidnapped and sold them to the ship's captain, who sold them to the Virginia colonists.
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008 By 1750, Almost One in Four People in the Colonies Were Slaves
Many Americans thought slavery was evil but necessary. Benjamin Franklin owned slaves for 30 years. But his beliefs changed.
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009 British Defeat the French in a Struggle for North America
During the 18th century, powerful European nations fought each other all over the world. The battle in North America was called the French and Indian War.
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Attenzione: il podcast, rilasciato da VOA, manca degli ultimi 20 secondi circa della trasmissione riportatati, comunque, nella trascrizione.


010 Britain Says No to 'No Taxation Without Representation'
The Stamp Act said the colonists had to buy a British stamp for every piece of printed paper they used. They refused. Parliament finally cancelled the law -- but passed an act saying Britain could pass any law it wanted.
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011 A Tea Party at Night, on the Road to Revolution
Relations between Britain and its American colonies changed after the Boston Tea Party in 1773. The colonists began to prepare to fight for their independence.
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012 A Declaration for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
A 33-year-old Virginia planter, Thomas Jefferson, wrote the Declaration of Independence in 17 days. America’s colonial leaders wanted the world to understand why they were rebelling against Britain.
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013 How the Revolution Against Britain Divided Families and Friends
Political disagreement about the war divided Benjamin Franklin and his son, William, for the rest of their lives.
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014 How Britain’s Defeat at Saratoga Marked a Turning Point
After the American victory at Saratoga, the French decided to enter the Revolutionary War on the American side.
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015 How the Constitution Came to Life
One cannot truly understand the United States without understanding this document.
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016 After the Revolution, the Nation Faces a Weak Political System
We begin the story of the U.S. Constitution. It replaced the Articles of Confederation, which created a Congress but not much else.
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017 The Founding Fathers Meet in Philadelphia to Write a Constitution
From the moment the convention began, James Madison kept careful records of everything everyone said. His notes were not published until 30 years later.
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018 Finding the Right Plan for a New Government
The Virginia Plan formed the basis of discussion at the convention in Philadelphia. The plan called for a government with a supreme legislature, executive and judiciary.
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019 Early Leaders Debate Presidential Powers
Delegates at the Philadelphia convention voted 60 times on how to choose a chief executive.
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020 In 1787, Debating the Need for Federal Courts
Early leaders, meeting in Philadelphia, settled the issue of a national executive. Then they turned their attention to a new issue.
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021 Struggle to Balance Power Between Big States and Small States
Years after the Philadelphia convention, James Madison said the question of equal representation most threatened the writing of the Constitution.
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022 A 'Great Compromise' on State Representation
''Why,''asked Benjamin Franklin, ''do the small states think they will be swallowed if the big states have more representatives in the national legislature?''
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023 Debating Slaves' Part in Representation of States
The constitutional convention agreed that states with bigger populations would have more members of Congress. But would slaves be counted in that population?
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024 The Signing of the Constitution in Philadelphia
Many of the delegates at the convention in 1787 did not like all parts of the new document. Several even refused to sign it.
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025 The Constitution Goes to the States for Approval
The long struggle to give the United States a strong central government was over. It took four months to write the Constitution. It took ten more months to ratify it.
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026 The Heart and Spirit of the Constitution
When the Constitution was written, a majority of the states already had their own bills of rights. So some delegates questioned the need for a national one.
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027 From Revolutionary War Hero to President
Many historians believe there would never have been a United States without George Washington
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028 The Imagination of Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton wanted to make the United States a strong and important nation. He wanted it to become the equal of the powerful nations of Europe.
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029 For a New Nation, Hamilton Seeks a Bank
Alexander Hamilton believed a central bank would increase the flow of money and help the government negotiate loans and collect taxes. Not all agreed.
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030 Two-Party Political System Takes Hold in US
The Federalist Party supported policies that helped bankers and wealthy businessmen. The Republicans supported policies that helped farmers and small businessmen.
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031 How a Dispute Helped Lead to Party System
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton disagreed about how the U.S. should be led. At times, their attacks in newspapers were personal.
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032 John Adams Is Elected Nation's Second President
Secret activities of his top three advisers helped destroy the Federalist Party. They also produced one of the most important periods in U.S. political history.
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033 Adams Avoids War With France, Signs Alien and Sedition Acts
Two major issues marked John Adams' presidency: foreign policy and the rights of citizens. At the same time, his Federalist Party was losing public support.
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034 Jefferson Is Elected President in 1800, But Only on the 36th Vote
Thomas Jefferson defeated Aaron Burr. But it took three days of voting in the House of Representatives to settle on a winner.
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035 Jefferson, at Inaugural, Urges Unity of Hearts and Minds
Thomas Jefferson became America's third president in 1801; he called for equal justice for all men no matter their religion, political beliefs or class.
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036 Jefferson Begins Presidency With a Loyal Cabinet
Thomas Jefferson offered the hand of peace and friendship to the Federalists in his inaugural address. Yet not one Federalist was in his government.
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037 Jefferson Moves to Cut Debt, Spending
The opposition Federalist Party warned that Thomas Jefferson’s financial program would crush the nation.
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038 Jefferson Gets Louisiana Territory From France
The French ruler Napoleon Bonaparte needed money for his war with Britain. He sold all the land drained by the Mississippi River and all its many streams for 80 million francs.
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039 A Supreme Court Justice Is Put on Trial in 1805
Samuel Chase used the courtroom as a place to attack President Jefferson's policies. Vice President Aaron Burr led the trial as chief officer of the Senate.
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040 The Treason Trial of Aaron Burr, Former VP
Burr went on trial in 1807 for a secret plot to seize Mexico from Spain. The plan could have divided the Union. But was he guilty as charged?
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041 Jefferson Suspends Trade with Europe in 1807
Britain and France were at war, and the British wanted the U.S. to stop trading with the French. The American president had to decide what to do.
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042 Jefferson Tries to Keep Trade Ban on Europe
''For a time, I think the embargo is less evil than war,'' the outgoing president said. Finally he accepted a compromise -- trade, except with Britain and France.
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043 The Last Days, and Lasting Influence, of Thomas Jefferson
On his grave he wanted written, ''Here was buried Thomas Jefferson -- author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Virginia Law for Religious Freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia.''
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044 Relations with Britain Hit a Low Point in 1811
President James Madison wanted the warring British and French to honor American neutrality.
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045 War on Britain in 1812
Leaders in Washington did not know it, but the British -- two days earlier -- had ended their orders against neutral American trade.
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046 British Set Fire to City of Washington in 1814
The burning of the capital, and the story of ''The Star-Spangled Banner.”
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047 A National Anthem Is Born From War of 1812
Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner" in honor of an American flag that survived a night of British shelling of Fort McHenry in Maryland.
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048 War of 1812 Ends, but Fighting Continues
The United States and Britain signed a peace treaty in Belgium on Christmas Eve of 1814. But one more battle was to be fought before the news reached the U.S.
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049 War of 1812 Ends With Treaty of Ghent
The war with the British was over, but a battle for political power in Washington grew.
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050 James Monroe Easily Wins Election in 1816
Not everyone was happy that the young nation had its fourth president from the same state, Virginia.
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051 Monroe Doctrine Warns Europe Not to Interfere in the Americas
In 1823, President James Monroe said any attempt to extend the European political system to Latin America would threaten the U.S.
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052 Monroe Dislikes but Signs Missouri Compromise
Congress agreed to permit slavery in Missouri but not in other northern parts of the Louisiana territory. President James Monroe believed Congress did not have the power to make such conditions.
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053 In Election of 1824, a Clash of Personalities
John Quincy Adams won the presidency, but it required a vote in Congress -- a vote that led to charges of a corrupt deal.
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054 John Quincy Adams, a Man Raised to Serve
The sixth president, the son of the second president, was sworn into office in 1825. He did not care for political battles, but his opponents refused to join his cabinet.
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055 In Election of 1828, a Bitter Campaign
Andrew Jackson had a big victory over President John Quincy Adams. But the race turned angry over the subject of Jackson's wife,
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056 Tragedy Hits as Jackson Prepares for Presidency
Andrew Jackson took office in March 1829 following the unexpected death of his wife, Rachel, a target of hurtful campaign charges.
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057 Split Divides Jackson, Vice President Calhoun
The trouble grew from a problem in the cabinet -- and Andrew Jackson's discovery that John Calhoun had once called for his arrest.
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058 For President Jackson, a Question of States' Rights
Andrew Jackson disagreed with his vice president, who believed that states had greater power than the federal government.
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059 Bank of the United States Worries Jackson
Chartered by Congress in 1816, the bank was privately run but could lend public money. President Andrew Jackson warned of a risk of political corruption.
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060 Debating the Powerful Bank of the US
Congress voted to renew the charter of the Bank of the United States, but President Andrew Jackson vetoed the measure.
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061 As Jackson Aims to Shut Bank, an Economic Crisis Results
The powerful head of the Bank of the United States told people to blame President Andrew Jackson for the problems.
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062 Jackson's Victory Over the Bank of the US
''A glorious triumph,'' President Andrew Jackson declares after the power of the privately owned bank was broken.
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063 Trouble Grows Deep in the Heart of Texas
The territory was part of Mexico. But American settlers who moved there for the low-priced land objected to learning Spanish or accepting Mexican traditions.
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064 Jackson, 'the People's Friend,' Leaves Office
In 1837, the presidency passed from Andrew Jackson to Martin Van Buren.
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065 New President Deals with Old Problems
Martin Van Buren must deal with the same economic and political troubles as Andrew Jackson.
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066 US Gets a New President in 1837, and a Depression
Martin Van Buren said ''over-banking and over-trading'' caused the economic crisis. Business owners said the government was to blame.
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067 The Rise of the Movement Against Slavery
The 1830s saw the birth of anti-slavery societies in New York and New England.
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068 Whigs See a Chance to Defeat Van Buren in 1840
Whig Party leaders would not let their candidate, William Henry Harrison, make many speeches. All his letters were written by his advisers. No one really knew what he thought about any of the important issues.
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069 The Brief Presidency of William Henry Harrison
He died in 1841, one month into his term. Did the Constitution mean for Vice President John Tyler to become president, or only acting president? No one was sure; no president had ever died in office.
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070 President John Tyler Shows His Independence
Tyler, who took office after William Henry Harrison died, resisted attempts by Senator Henry Clay and other Whig Party leaders to control him.
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071 Texas Statehood Is Chief Issue in 1844 Campaign
President John Tyler wanted to bring Texas into the Union. But northerners did not want another slave-holding state.
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072 In 1845, Republic of Texas Faces a Choice
It could become a state, as invited by Congress and President John Tyler. Or it could remain a republic, with its independence
recognized by Mexico.
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073 Polk Sends Troops to Border With Mexico
In 1846, President James Polk thought that force was the only way to make the Mexicans negotiate the sale of Texas.
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074 Polk Decides Not to Seek Second Term in 1848
President James Polk may have served his country well, but he had not served his party well. He let disputing Democrats move even farther apart.
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075 Zachary Taylor Is Elected President in 1848
Congress was hopelessly divided. The anti-slavery Free Soil Party controlled the House. Pro-slavery southerners controlled the Senate.
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076 Plan in 1850 on Slavery Aims to Save Union
''Life itself is but a compromise between death and life,'' said Henry Clay, the Kentucky senator who offered a way to keep the states together.
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077 'The South Asks for Justice, Simple Justice'
Second of four parts: The Compromise of 1850 sought to save the Union and prevent civil war over slavery and other issues.
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078 'The Fresh Air of Liberty and Union'
Daniel Webster calls for support of the Compromise of 1850 to save the Union. Third of four parts.
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079 Millard Fillmore Signs Compromise of 1850
Many people believed the problem of slavery had been solved and that the Union had been saved. Others, though, believed the problem had only been postponed. Last of four parts.
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080 Pierce, New President, Is Friendly but Weak
In 1853 Franklin Pierce had to choose between two policies on slavery. One would lead to a fight with northern and southern extremists. The other would bring them into his administration.
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081 The Kansas-Nebraska Bill Divides the Country
During Pierce’s term, a bill to establish new territories restarts the dispute between North and South over slavery.
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082 Kansas Takes Steps Towards Statehood
Pro-slavery settlers race to gain Kansas for the South. But they face opposition from the man President Pierce appointed governor of the territory, Andrew Reeder.
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083 The Struggle Over Slavery in the Kansas Territory
Anti-slavery settlers felt they could not get fair treatment from President Franklin Pierce or the territory's new governor. So they formed their own government.
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084 Slavery Debate Intensifies With Dred Scott Ruling
The high court ruled that Congress had no power to bar slavery in the new territories, canceling the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The case involved a Missouri slave named Dred Scott.
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085 The Effort to Make Kansas a Slave State
The Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision in 1857 did not calm the storm that divided the nation. Instead, it increased its fury.
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086 Search for Gold Drives Settlers to the West
After the first settlers in Colorado reported finding gold, the rush was on. Many people never found riches, but they stayed to become farmers or storekeepers.
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087 Brigham Young Leads His Mormons to a New Home
Forced out of Illinois, they settled by a great salt lake in what would become Utah. But before long, the federal government accused the church of open rebellion.
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088 The Story of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
Democrat Stephen Douglas was seeking re-election as a U.S. senator from Illinois. His opponent was a lawyer from the new Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln.
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089 Slavery Crisis Eases, but Not for Very Long
By the autumn of 1859, state elections raised hopes for avoiding war. Then Abolitionists led by John Brown raided the Southern town of Harpers Ferry.
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090 Story of John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry
''Men who take up guns against the government must expect to be shot down like dogs,'' a militia officer told the captured antislavery extremist in 1859.
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091 A Failed Attempt to Raise a Rebel Army of Slaves
Not one slave came to help John Brown with his seizure of military supplies at Harpers Ferry. And the few his men had freed refused to fight when the shooting started.
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092 Hopes, Fears and the Election of 1860
Americans worried that even a new president could not hold the nation together. The states of the South were very close to leaving the Union over the issue of slavery.
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093 Lincoln Takes Presidency of a Nation in Crisis
Abraham Lincoln never said he wanted to end slavery in the South. But he did not want to see it spread to other parts of the U.S.
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094 South Carolina Leaves Union, Tensions Increase
The state governor planned to block any movement of federal troops; he ordered every boat stopped in Charleston Harbor.
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095 Lincoln Names a Cabinet
The outgoing president, James Buchanan, told him, ''If you are as happy to get into the White House as I am to get out of it, you must be the happiest man alive!''.
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096 Lincoln's Policy on South Is Soon Tested
President Abraham Lincoln, at his inauguration in 1861, said no state had a legal right to leave the Union.
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097 The Civil War Begins
On April 12, 1861, Confederate forces in South Carolina shelled a Union base that President Abraham Lincoln refused to surrender.
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098 The Civil War's First Days
President Abraham Lincoln was becoming increasingly worried about Virginia's military moves. He was afraid Confederate forces might try to capture Washington.
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Edited by Ruitor2 - 17/11/2009, 05:29
view post Posted on 26/12/2008, 05:19

Advanced Member



ma sai che è veramente ben fatto!!! e molto interessante anche..... :) :) :)
view post Posted on 8/1/2009, 19:24

Advanced Member



non perdetevelo... si fa sempre più interessante... da domani mi dedico ad un download selvaggio... ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
view post Posted on 15/1/2009, 09:37


Edited by C&H - 28/1/2009, 09:04
view post Posted on 18/3/2009, 10:48

Advanced Member



CITAZIONE (Ruitor2 @ 18/3/2009, 06:37)
Quasi tutti i collegamenti per scaricare le puntate non funzionano più, sto provvedendo a sostituirli.

Grazie... perchè io mi stavo giusto accingendo ad un'archiviazione sistematica e sono indietrissimo.... :wacko: :unsure:
view post Posted on 19/4/2009, 20:50




Ho appena cominciato a sentire e sembra molto interessante.
Non riesco a scaricare la trascrizione della puntata 15. Cooscendo il funzionamento di Mediafire, ho provato più volte a distanza di giorni, ma ricevo sempre il messaggio che non ci sono server disponbili. E' possibile controllare?
view post Posted on 21/4/2009, 05:22

Advanced Member



ehm.... a me non viene fuori quella roba lì.... cosa devo scrivere e dove?

come non detto... forse ci sto capendo qualcosa
view post Posted on 8/8/2009, 05:49

Per chi è interessato a sapere qualche cosa in più sulla vita di Andrew Jackson suggerisco i siti:




Edited by Ruitor2 - 9/8/2009, 06:41
view post Posted on 16/8/2009, 06:27

Per sapere qualche cosa in più sulla figura di Henry Clay suggerisco il link:


Henry Clay non divenne presidente ma fu un grande protagonista della politica americana nella prima metà dell'ottocento.

Edited by Ruitor2 - 17/8/2009, 07:59
view post Posted on 17/8/2009, 07:00

Sulla guerra fra Messico e Stati Uniti fra il 1846 e il 1848 suggerisco i link:




Edited by Ruitor2 - 18/8/2009, 08:58
view post Posted on 26/9/2009, 05:50

Sulla vita di John Brown molto interessanti sono i documenti proposti dalla PBS presso:


Edited by Ruitor2 - 29/9/2009, 06:46
view post Posted on 4/10/2009, 06:54

Sulla vita di Abraham Lincoln molto interessanti sono le pagine che la PBS gli dedica presso:


Edited by Ruitor2 - 12/10/2009, 06:16
view post Posted on 24/4/2012, 22:38

Ma sembra bellissimo! Grazie.
view post Posted on 18/2/2016, 11:20

puntate 47 49 50 51 e 52 non ci sono - Invalid File
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